
Help Us Raise Money for The National Brain Appeal

Raising Money for The National Brain Appeal in memory of Andy Baxter, a Charming Man

Andy Baxter was part of Team TFT until Frontal Temporal Dementia (FTD) prevented him from being able to work safely.

After work ended, Andy would still pop in to see his big sister Diane working at The French Tarte and could often be seen enjoying a slice of chocolate tarte.

Andy was diagnosed with this devasting disease (the same disease as Bruce Willis) in July 2022 and passed away in June last year. He was 55 years old. His family and friends have been left utterly floored by his death.

His wife Alice very kindly shared a few words to describe her beloved Andy before he was affected by FTD:

"Andy lit up the room. He made everyone he spoke to feel important - that he valued what they were saying. He had a sharp and witty sense of humour that would have you bent over laughing and was a great storyteller with perfect timing. He loved his family, his friends, music, cars, bikes, cooking, and lots of other things. He did everything with energy, passion and complete engagement. When you met Andy, you knew you had met someone special.

FTD gradually and subtly changed many of Andy's characteristics. These changes were difficult to recognise and diagnose given our unfamiliarity with dementia in younger people, he was in fact misdiagnosed with depression which is often the case with FTD.

We want to raise awareness of this terrible condition. A condition that robs people of their lives while they are in their prime, so that other families have the necessary support to manage life with a family member who has FTD.

With very best wishes, Alice and family"

In Andy’s memory and to raise money for The National Brain Appeal, Andy’s sister Diane, and Sarah, Richard & Rory of The French Table, will be running the Hampton Court Palace Half Marathon on Sunday 24th March along with members of Andy’s family.

We know that all donations of any size will be warmly welcomed by the charity.